Design By Humans on SALES

I already talked ’bout them on an old post, and the site has been on my favorites until very recently, but I think the opportunity is relevant enough for a post:

Design By Humans is have an huge sale, with all shirts for 15$.
The shipping costs for Europe don’t even reach 12$, so this means you can get like 2 very original shirts, with any design of your choice from the site, for less than 35 euros!

If you’re interested in getting something drop me a line or a mail and I can give you extra discount codes that may drop your price a little bit more.


3 Responses to “Design By Humans on SALES”

  1. 1 A Constant Refrain 7 April, 2010 at 5:26 pm

    gastar dinheiros 😉
    são giras comprava uma ou duas na boa, mas não dá lol

  2. 2 maria 7 April, 2010 at 8:56 pm

    tem umas quantas t-shirts muito bacanas, já fica guardado nos favoritos para possiveis futuras compras =)

  3. 3 nuno 8 April, 2010 at 10:18 pm

    obrigadao pelas boas palavras pa!
    fico mesmo contente que esteja a passar boas cenas de ca deste lado do planeta… tem sido gratificante escrever para nao me esquecer de tudo isto…

    poa, tens de ouvir as malhas do split agora man! foi tudo regravadinho, ta a ficar no ponto! vais curtir!

    grande abraco xerife


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